
At Calvary, we are pleased to have Godly leaders.

Pastor Daniel Rudd

Pastor Daniel Rudd spent the majority of his life growing up in the Ottawa area. After graduating from Moody Bible Institute he became a pastor in 2013. The Lord led Daniel and his family to Calvary Fellowship Ottawa in July 2023. He is passionate about the Word of God and desires to see people grow in their faith and love for God. Daniel has been married to his wife Ashley since 2015 and has 2 daughters.

Pastor Daniel can be reached at pastordaniel@calvaryottawa.ca

Ashley Rudd – church admin

Ashley Rudd is Pastor Daniel’s wife and the church admin. She is organizationally gifted and an incredible asset to the team at Calvary. Ashley homeschools their daughters and faithfully finds ways to love her family and church.

Ashley can be reached at admin@calvaryottawa.ca


At Calvary, we also have a team of elders who lead and support the ministry of the Church. Elders who meet the qualifications of 1 Timothy 3:1-7. Elders can be reached at elders@calvaryottawa.ca.

Andrew Hamilton

Andrew has been on the board faithfully serving since 2017. Andrew and his wife, Andrea, are raising three children. Andrew is a high school math teacher. On Sundays, Andrew can be found leading worship or teaching the elementary Sunday school class. Andrew is a gifted leader who loves to see what God is doing at Calvary Fellowship Ottawa and desires to see people of all ages and backgrounds come to know the love of Jesus and walk by His Spirit daily.

Carl Macuzzi

Carl has been faithfully serving on the board since September 2022. Carl and his wife Merry are raising four children. Carl faithfully serves the church as the church treasurer. On Sundays, Carl can be found behind the soundboard or in Preschool Sunday School class. Carl is a gifted leader in wisdom and desires to see people transformed and renewed through the study of God’s word.  Romans 12:2 says “‘Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”  The more we study His word, the more we get to know Him, and the more we are shaped in His image instead of the society around us.

Mark Stickl

Mark has been faithfully serving on the board since September 2022. Mark and his wife Laura are raising four children. Mark faithfully serves the church by caring for the church and especially those going through hard times. Mark and his wife also serve their community by helping with Safe Families Canada. On Sundays, Mark can be found serving in the nursery. Mark is gifted with discernment and care for those around him. He desires to see a Christ-like community in the church body. A deep love for one another that exemplifies Christ’s love for us: caring, encouraging, challenging, reaching out and following up with one another in the same way we are encouraged to in Hebrews 10:24-25.

Patrick Allard

Patrick has been faithfully serving on the board since June 2024. Patrick and his wife Claira are raising three children. Patrick faithfully serves the church in providing leadership. Patrick can be found on Sundays teaching the preschool Sunday School class or occasionally preaching. Patrick is a gifted leader with a heart for people and desires to see deep Biblical literacy among Christians. God’s Word from Genesis to Revelation is all about Jesus Christ, His love for His people, and His work – past, present, and future – for their redemption and His glory.